Advertising on Enkling Platforms

Getting Started Top Up your Enkling Wallet

Using PayPal or bank transfers your Enkling wallet is where your Ads price are deducted from and where you receive refunds / payments for any items you sell using the Enkling Marketplace. You can withdraw the funds from your Enkling wallet at any given moment

Cost By View is set at price for ads impressions

Cost-Per-Vew, or CPV, is a method of charging for any advertisements based on the number of views or interactions an ad receives. See also: additional terms

Cost By Click is set at price for ads clicked by users

PPC stands for pay-per-click. It’s a type of digital marketing where you pay each time a user clicks on one of your Enkling Ads . See also: additional terms

Bids advertisements work in the same way as other pay-per-click

A marketer creates "bids" within the advertising system for certain keywords. If more than one marketer has put in bids for that particular keyword, the highest bid dictates which ad is displayed. See also: additional terms

Please note: The average cost per click in Enkling Ads is between 3 cents and 30 cents on the Display Network is under $1. The most expensive keywords in Enkling Ads and Threadsfeeds Ads cost $50 or more per click.

Popular keywords and densely populated markets virtually always require higher bids, as there is more competition among marketers for those keywords. As such, prices for CPV ads can vary wildly based on a large number of factors on the searcher's end. Costs anywhere from around 3 cents to 30 cents per view are common, but that is only a broad estimate. See also: additional terms

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When you advertise on Enkling, you'll set a budget for each ad you run, and then we'll try to spend your budget evenly throughout the time your ad is running (unless you use accelerated delivery). You won't be charged more than the budget you set. Remember, you're always in control of how much you spend.

It's important to keep in mind the difference between budget and spend:

. Budget: The amount of money you want to spend or are willing to spend for your ad to run.

. Amount spent: The amount you'll actually pay (in other words, how much money was used from your total or lifetime budget).

When you're setting your budget for Enkling ads, that's not necessarily the amount you'll spend. For example, you don't buy an ad for $100. You budget $100 to be spent on the ad over a given time period using one of the budgeting options below. So if you set a maximum budget of $100 to be spent over a month, but only $70 is spent during that month based on the ad's performance, your bill will be $70.

Daily and lifetime (total) budgets

There are two types of budgets you can set to control how much you spend on an ad:

. Daily budgets: The average amount you're willing to spend on an ad every day. Learn more.

. Total or lifetime budgets: The amount you're willing to spend over the entire runtime of your ad. Learn more.

How you're charged

The pricing of Enkling ads is based on an auction system where ads compete for impressions based on bid and performance. When you run your ad, you'll only be charged for the number of clicks or the number of impressions your ad received. Learn more about the Facebook ads delivery system (ad auctions).

When you'll pay

When you'll pay for your ads depends on how you pay for them. When you create your first ad on Enkling, you'll add a payment method to your ad account, and that payment method determines your payment setting. There are two main payment settings for Enkling ads:

. Automatic billing: We'll automatically charge you whenever you spend a certain amount known as your payment threshold and again on your monthly bill date for any leftover costs. This is how you'll pay if you use PayPal or most credit and debit cards to purchase ads.

. Prepaid funds: You'll add money to your account first, and then we'll deduct from that amount up to once a day as you run ads. This is how you'll pay if you use a manual payment method (like PayTM or Boleto Bancário) to purchase ads. With prepaid funds, you won't have a payment threshold.

Learn more about when you'll pay for Meta ads.

View your charges

When you want to see how much you're spending on your ads, you can see an estimated daily spending limit in Ads Manager ( In the Billing section of Ads Manager, you can find all your final charges, including the specific ads you paid for and exactly what you paid for, like running an ad for awareness or getting people to click your ad.

Keep in mind that your final bill may be more than your budget for a particular ad. That's because your account is charged for all the ads that you're running on that specific ad account. We'll always stay within the budget you set for each ad.

Reasons to join our community

Our Motto

“To grow your brand and businesses” is our motto, we believe our Enkling brand and our platform are for the people by the people and is what makes us Enkling community.

Our Beliefs

At Enkling we don’t believe APIs should dictate when and how you should market your business, we don’t believe algorithms should block you for trying to push and grow your brand.

Our Community

We don’t believe “community standards on spam” should block your website url links for trying to generate leads and grow your business.

Our Purpose

Invite your family and friends to join Enkling social media and business networking platform now ! It’s free and always will be.